Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.


This condition has no parameter window. This means, that this transition will not appear unless the current user will be the project lead.

Fields required

One Once you select Fields required as a condition, it will appear this parameter window:


This means, that this transition will not appear unless all the fields will be already filled up.

Custom field value

One Once you select Custom field value as a condition, it will appear this parameter window:


This means, that this transition will not appear unless the field assignee will be filled with patrick.

JQL condition

One Once you select JQL query as a condition, it will appear this parameter window:



Fields required

One Once you select Fields required as a validator, it will appear this parameter window:


Restrict issue type on creation

One Once you select Restrict issue type on creation as a validator, it will appear this parameter window:


This transition should be accompanied by a transition screen.

System time field

One Once you select System time field as a validator, it will appear this parameter window:


This means, that this transition will just allow the transition if the issue has worklogs greater than 10 minutes.

Custom field value

One Once you select Custom field value as a validator, it will appear this parameter window:



With postfunctions we need to take care about the order of the actions, because it may affects.  Aditionally, in the creation of the issue, be carefull because you need to set the postfunction always after the 3 default postfunctions:

  • Creates the issue orginally.
  • Re-index an issue to keep indexes in sync with the database.
  • Fire a issue created event that can be processed by listeners.

Clear fields

One Once you select Clear fields as a postfunction, it will appear this parameter window:


It just make sense if the project has security levels

One Once you select Change Security Level as a postfunction, it will appear this parameter window:


Copy transition comment in linked issues

One Once you select Copy transition comment in linked issues as a postfunction, it will appear this parameter window:

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Then you can select the linked types you want (you can type ctrl. and select more than one) in order to allow the function copy the comments.

This means, that this transition will copy the transition comment to the link issue. This transition should have an assigned screen in order to show comment system field.

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Send custom email post-function


If you want to know more about workflow management, check Atlassian Documentation. 

Add comment to linked issues

Once you select Add comment to linked issues as a postfunction, it will appear this parameter window:

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Then you can select the linked types you want (you can type ctrl. and select more than one) and set the comment you want to add, in order to allow the function set it in the linked issue comments.

This means, that this transition will set the comment configured into the linked issue.

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Create linked issues

Once you select Create linked issues as a postfunction, it will appear this parameter window:

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Then you can select the the fields required to the new linked issue you want, such linked type, issue type, the project/component combination , the fields to copy the value from, and the user who run the postfunction and also will be the creator of the new issue.

This means, that this transition will create a linked subtask issue in the project TEST with the component "Intranet" and will take the values of the Due Date, Fix Version/s, Security Level and Ticket fields, and it will be created by the same user that runs the transition.

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Assign current user to user picker field

Once you select Assign current user as a postfunction, it will appear this parameter window:

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Then, you can select the user field where you will change the existing value with the user who runs the transition.

This means, that this transition will change the value of rhe reporter with the user who runs the transition.

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Copy issue field

Once you select Copy issue field as a postfunction, it will appear this parameter window:

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Then, you can select the field you want to copy the value from, and the field where you will copy the value taken. Also is important to select where you will copy the value (Same Issue, Parent Issue, Subtasks, Linked issues)

This means, that this transition will change the value of the assignee with the value of the reporter.

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Edit field value

Once you select Edit field value as a postfunction, it will appear this parameter window:

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Then, you can select the field you want to update, and the value of that field. Also is important to select where you will copy the value (Same Issue, Parent Issue, Subtasks, Linked issues)

This means, that this transition will add the value "Intranet" to the labels field.