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<p style="font-size: 24px">Cards Plugin for JIRA</p>


The fastest and easiest way to automatically kanbanize your


Jira projects

Drag and drop support, filtering and much more!


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Kanbanize your project automatically!


The kanban board is created automatically using your project workflows, issue types, statuses, ...

Drag and drop support


Turn your JIRA project into a visual management tool. You can drag and drop your issues using your workflow. It's quick and simple, you don't need any additional configuration.

Filter and get what you need


You can filter your cards board using issue types, components, versions and assignees.

Welcome to Cards for Jira documentation space!

The definitive Kanban app for Jira keeps improving for you! Since its release in 2015, Cards has been improving and even caught Atlassian team interest! It's design and usability made the app look like a native Jira feature. 

What is more, no configuration or board creation are needed. Install the plugin and Knaban boards will be automatically created for each project. 

Please, feel free to navigate through the space and do not hesitate in contacting us!

Presentación de hijos


Cards Plugin for Jira 

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Available on Atlassian Marketplace

Are you looking for supportContact us