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Cards Plugin for JIRA


The fastest and easiest way to kanbanize your JIRA projects

Drag and drop support, filtering and much more!





Kanbanize your project automatically!


The kanban board is created automatically using your project workflows, issue types, statuses, ...




Drag and drop support


Turn your JIRA project into a visual management tool. You can drag and drop your issues using your workflow. It's quick and simple, you don't need any additional configuration.



Filter and get what you need


You can filter your cards board using issue types, components, versions and assignees.




Features and usage


  • It’s quick and simple, you don’t need any configuration, just install the plugin and all your projects will have a kanban board with your cards (issues)
  • All your issues are converted into cards and displayed in a board so that you can use visual management in your projects
  • The columns are dynamically created using your issue types and your workflows and statuses
  • You can progress in your issues by moving the cards from/to any column. Columns will be highlighted if the issue can be moved to that column. 
  • Cards Plugin is agile made simple
  • Filter the board using the issue types, the components, versions affected/fixed or assignee


  • Sin etiquetas